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The Modern Day Quinceañera: Welcome To El Movement

By Dr. Edith Treviño

April 21, 2023

This is an empowerment guide which goes beyond el baile, los chambelanes, and the padrinos. This movement is about the power which resides in all of us. The guide was created to support culturally responsive lessons.

Teacher Manual: Write to Speak: Telpas Ready

By Dr. Edith Treviño

March 12, 2023

This is the teacher manual, copy. Intended for teachers only of students who are using the student version.

Write to Speak: Student Toolkit

By Dr. Edith Treviño

March 10, 2023

This toolkit supports students to successfully challenge the TELPAS speaking assessment. One workbook is needed per student.

Dr. ET's Notes: Pass the Bilingual Supplemental 164

By Dr. Edith Treviño

February 20, 2023

This workbook will support aspiring bilingual teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully challenge the Bilingual Supplemental 164. This is a Texas based exam for Bilingual Certification.

Dr. ET'S Notes. Pass the BTLPT - Second Edition

By Dr. Edith Treviño

January 9, 2023

This workbook has been created for all individuals who want, must, and need to pass the ESL 154. In this workbook I will take you through specific ideas, recommendations, the language mindset, and practice situations which will guide you through, and empower you to pass the test.

This is not your “regular study” guide where you will read over questions and answers. This is an actual toolkit, with the “secrets” or “superpowers” needed to pass this exam. There are many study guides available with question and answer choices. In my professional opinion, before a teacher can answer the questions on the test, he or she must be in the ESL Zone. This is what this workbook offers you. It gets to the point of the subject matter.

Dr. ET's Notes. Pass the ESL 154 - Second Edition

By Dr. Edith Treviño

October 16, 2022

This workbook has been created for all individuals who want, must, and need to pass the ESL 154. In this workbook I will take you through specific ideas, recommendations, the language mindset, and practice situations which will guide you through, and empower you to pass the test.

This is not your “regular study” guide where you will read over questions and answers. This is an actual toolkit, with the “secrets” or “superpowers” needed to pass this exam. There are many study guides available with question and answer choices. In my professional opinion, before a teacher can answer the questions on the test, he or she must be in the ESL Zone. This is what this workbook offers you. It gets to the point of the subject matter.

The ESL & Bilingual Teacher Toolkit

By Dr. Edith Treviño and Cathy Amrhein M.A.

June 6, 2022

This guide will support teachers with the basic foundations of ESL and Bilingual Education modules, policies, lessons, strategies, and more!

What's Your Story?: An interactive guide to positivity, joy, and momentum & mental endurance.

By Dr. Edith Treviño

February 2, 2022

Life is hard. That’s the truth. It doesn’t matter where you are from. Life is not easy. As a young child I always tried to find ways to help myself feel optimistic. But it wasn’t until tragedy arrived banging on our door that I had to find a way to help myself, and my family. I am not a psychologist, or a therapist. My doctorate in in Curriculum and Instruction. Yet, I have lived my life practicing practical psychology on myself, and that has helped me in my everyday life. I believe in tough times we must be our own “cheerleader” and “motivator.” We can’t always rely on others to be there for us. I have been through many things in my life, many which you would never believe or imagine. I’ve gotten through it with different strategies, and of course with prayer. I hope that this guide helps you in your journey. I primarily use this guide as an interactive tool when I conduct my sessions. I don’t just write about this; I use it in my everyday life. It is written with love, and a whole lot of hope for tomorrow.

How To Write Content and Language Objectives:
A Teacher Guide - Paperback

By Dr. Edith Treviño & Kimberly Banda

January 10, 2022

This is a guide to support teachers in creating language objectives based on the content objectives. Language objectives help support Emergent Bilinguals, English Language Learners, and or ESL students.

Student Guide

By Dr. Edith Treviño

January 8, 2022

This guide will take students through several mindsets needed for joy, momentum, and mental endurance.

Effective Classroom Strategies to Enhance Speaking and Writing: Interactive Student Handbooks Supporting Emergent Bilinguals -Paperback

By Dr. Edith Treviño

November 8, 2021

This student guide is created to support emergent bilinguals with classroom strategies which support writing and speaking.

Positive Character Lessons 9-12th: An educator guide for social emotional lessons.

By Dr. Edith Treviño & Maria S Flores M. ED.

July 18, 2021

I have been a teacher for over 25 years, and through all of those years I made sure I implemented social emotional traits into my lessons, without actually knowing that I was doing it. Social emotional learning is such a large part of our everyday teaching and learning. In this workbook I will share different ways to embed the social emotional traits into your lessons. These are all activities that I implemented before they were adopted as a state curriculum guide. Our students need more than just academics, they also need emotional support every step of the way. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of children. For many children, you are the only person they can depend on in their lives.
Finally!! The Texas Education Code (TEC) §29.906 states that the State Board of Education (SBOE) shall integrate positive character traits into the essential knowledge and skills adopted for kindergarten through grade 12th. No matter what subject area or grade level you teach, you can incorporate these standards into your curriculum and classroom environment.

Is Your Heart Full?: A Social Emotional Children's Book. -Paperback

By Dr. Edith Treviño

July 18, 2021

This children's book focuses on the social emotional well-being which supports the positive character traits. It focuses on self-awareness, caring, kindness, empathy, and compassion. It is an interactive book.

Positive Character Lessons Grades 9-12 Hidalgo ISD: An educator guide for social emotional lessons.

By Dr. Edith Treviño

July 18, 2021

Finally!! The Texas Education Code (TEC) §29.906 states that the State Board of Education (SBOE) shall integrate positive character traits into the essential knowledge and skills adopted for kindergarten through grade 12th. No matter what subject area or grade level you teach, you can incorporate these standards into your curriculum and classroom environment.

Positive Character Traits for 6-8: An educator guide for social emotional lessons.

By Dr. Edith Treviño & Maria S Flores M. ED.

July 18, 2021

I have been a teacher for over 25 years, and through all of those years I made sure I implemented social emotional traits into my lessons, without actually knowing that I was doing it. Social emotional learning is such a large part of our everyday teaching and learning. In this workbook I will share different ways to embed the social emotional traits into your lessons. These are all activities that I implemented before they were adopted as a state curriculum guide. Our students need more than just academics, they also need emotional support every step of the way. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of children. For many children, you are the only person they can depend on in their lives.

Finally!! The Texas Education Code (TEC) §29.906 states that the State Board of Education (SBOE) shall integrate positive character traits into the essential knowledge and skills adopted for kindergarten through grade 12th. No matter what subject area or grade level you teach, you can incorporate these standards into your curriculum and classroom environment.

Social Emotional Guide For Parents: A social emotional interactive guide for parents and guardians

By Dr. Edith Treviño

July 15, 2021

Parenting is not easy. Not by a long shot. I should know, I have five children ranging in ages from 9-26. This pandemic has blindsided us like a car crash, and it punched us in the pansa (stomach) right as we were attempting to get back up. There has to be time spent on “recovering” from the wreck, and the punches. Many of us have endured loss of life with family or friends, we have struggled with our own well-being as parents.. All of us have gone through “something.” Then add the political climate to all of this. It has not been our best time, no matter who we are, or where we live.We have been, and continue to be in a crisis. In the case of the pandemic, the crisis “can and should be viewed through the lense of trauma” (Horesh & Brown, 2020, p. 334). There are different types and levels of trauma, and we can’t run from the fact that we have experienced it at some level.

Positive Character Lessons: A teacher guide for social emotional lessons.

By Dr. Edith Treviño & Maria S Flores M. ED.

July 14, 2021

I have been a teacher for over 25 years, and through all of those years I made sure I implemented social emotional traits into my lessons, without actually knowing that I was doing it. Social emotional learning is such a large part of our everyday teaching and learning. In this workbook I will share different ways to embed the social emotional traits into your lessons. These are all activities that I implemented before they were adopted as a state curriculum guide. Our students need more than just academics, they also need emotional support every step of the way. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of children. For many children, you are the only person they can depend on in their lives.

Finally!! The Texas Education Code (TEC) §29.906 states that the State Board of Education (SBOE) shall integrate positive character traits into the essential knowledge and skills adopted for kindergarten through grade 12th. No matter what subject area or grade level you teach, you can incorporate these standards into your curriculum and classroom environment.

The Power of La Princesa

By Dr. Edith Treviño

May 4, 2021

This interactive guide is to be used during Dr. ET's empowerment session.

Apoyo y Guía socioemocional para padres de familia (Spanish ed.)

By Dr. Edith Treviño & Eva Serna

April 18, 2021

Este libro NO es una guía de "sobrevivir", es un guía de cómo "prosperar". Aunque muchos de nosotros pudimos haber sido arrojados a aguas profundas, hemos perseverado. Para eso está este manual, para ayudarnos a afrontar nuestro futuro con perseverancia, optimismo, compromiso y determinación. ¡Y que así sea para ti! ¡Para prosperar como padres de familia. No es fácil ser padre de familia, y poreso nosotros tenemos que estar bien de salud mental para poder apoyar a nuestro hijos al cien.

"I'm OK" is NOT OK. OK?: Second Edition

By Dr. Edith Treviño

March 9, 2021

The questions continue to come up in our minds. When will this be over? Where do we begin? Where do we go from here? What is the next step? Will we ever go “back to normal?” What is normal?All of us carry our own set of fears, and concerns. Many of us don’t talk about them, because we carry them inside. When this pandemic started, I would ask myself, “I wonder if I am the only person who feels this way.” It was a combination of anxiety mixed together with fear and uncertainty. Learning to stay at home 24/7 was a completely different beast. Not to mention work, family, community, you name it. You are the driving force that maintains the motivation, brings the inspiration, and insight in your life. All of these attributes, talents, and gifts run through the veins of your life on a daily basis. Positive and negative energy are contagious. With this thought then, let’s be honest with ourselves. Be vulnerable and honest with yourself. I don’t want you to be just “Okay.” We usually use the “term” okay to mean that we are fine. But think about it, in this sense. If someone were to ask what kind of a friend you are, how would you feel if the response was “He or she is OK.” Or at work, if your empower said you were OK at what you do. The truth of the matter is, in emotional well being we can be better than just OK. You will learn the ten mindsets which will help you get yourself in a better place emotionally, and mentally. We are not meant to be okay teachers. We are much more than that!

Teaching On The Texas-Mexico Border: Second Edition

By Dr. Edith Treviño

January 27, 2021

This book is grounded in the truth of my own lived experience with border violence in La Frontera. Gloria Azaldua (1987), describes the U.S. Mexico border (La Frontera) as an “open wound where the Third World grates against the First World and bleeds”(p. 3). Border violence in La Frontera is discussed in this research through four lenses which create a nexus of intertwined connections within curriculum and education. I use the lens of a grieving displaced daughter, a desperate mother trying to find support for her traumatized child in a failing educational system, a teacher who tries to honor her students’ lived experiences despite the null curriculum, and the researcher who explores in search of finding answers to this phenomenon.

Teachers! "I'm OK" is not OK. OK?

By Dr. Edith Treviño

January 25, 2021

This workbook supports teachers with social emotional well-being.

The Year 2020.
El año 2020.

By Dr. Edith Treviño and Alina Pamela Treviño

December 29, 2020

This children's book allows children to share their own concerns and thoughts on 2020, as well as focus on the positive outcomes that came with it. This book is in English and Spanish.

Living and Teaching on the Texas-Mexico Border: The Life Lessons It Has Taught Me

By Dr. Edith Treviño

September 19, 2020

La Frontera is my border, and it is who I am. La Frontera is a living creature that takes many life forms. I imagine a great, huge beast that demands respect, but at the same time consoles us with a deep sense of belonging. La Frontera represents my culture. My Mexican culture brings out my Mexicanness, the hard work, of our people, our determination, a way of life that is always inviting, and nurturing. However, the Frontera can be a complicated place. . Just like nature has its beauty of perfect weather, it also has the power to provoke a hurricane within seconds. La Frontera is an ambivalent place of happiness and sorrow.In this book, I propose that it is also a valuable pedagogical tool through which teachers can make genuine connections with students and between the lives of students and the knowledge that is supposed to make these student's lives better, but often omits “real” conversations about the injustices that are a “real” part of so many student’s lives. Testimonio is not just a life story; it is a vehicle for voice which confronts social injustice (Nance, 2006). It is just as important to write or speak our own testimonio in order to learn about our own lived histories. When teachers open themselves up to the real stories of lived curriculum, which is when the learning begins. Narrative is a way of dislodging the centrality of official versions of the history by focusing on the complexities of phenomenological experience and its representation and in doing so helps us struggle to rename that history and identify as well as problematize our place in it. As a curricular practice, narrative offers and embodied history— our history as well as the history we don’t want to practice. We are all history makers, and not seeing ourselves as such does not empower us to consider our role in naming and shaping the world we live in— the world we desire our children (literally and figuratively) to live and learn in. I am able to utilize my testimonio as a tool, not only for healing and understanding my own life, but one of making connections with others, through empowerment and vindication of regaining of my own rights as an immigrant woman. Further, through testimonio I feel liberated, libre, as I have carried many of these stories for a lifetime.

Cinco Reasons Why I am PROUD to Speak Spanish

By Dr. Edith Treviño

September 15, 2020

This is a children's book which shows five amazing reasons why the author is proud to speak Spanish. This book promotes language, and culturally responsive teaching.

Manual de apoyo para padres: Como apoyar a nuestros hijos con el aprendizaje en línea

By Dr. Edith Treviño

September 13, 2020

Este manual ha sido creado en un esfuerzo por apoyar este proceso al observar siete pasos cruciales a medida que nos embarcamos en la enseñanza en línea durante COvid19. Este manual aporta la opinión profesional de administradores, educadores y padres. Los diferentes lentes representados en este manual, colectivamente, han presentado lo que creemos que son las implicaciones más importantes a considerar durante este movimiento hacia la enseñanza en línea. La pandemia de Covid19 es una crisis , que ha interrumpido y sorprendido al sector educativo con gran fuerza. Covid19 también es una crisis mental que ha provocado malestar emocional y trauma a muchos de nosotros. En cuestión de semanas, y sin previo aviso, todo cambió. Los educadores se vieron obligados a adaptarse rápidamente y modificar sus métodos de instrucción probados y verdaderos, Covid19 alteró para siempre el tejido de la educación pública. Con el cambio masivo, se produjeron trastornos, un impacto masivo y una crisis social tanto para los padres como para los educadores (Burgess & Sieversten, 2020).

Teaching In The Time of Covid: A Social Emotional Toolkit for Teachers

By Dr. Edith Treviño

July 25, 2020

This Covid19 pandemic has blindsided us like a car crash, and it punched us in the stomach rightas we were attempting to get back up. There has to be time spent on “recovering” from thewreck, and the punches. It is imperative that we recognize our own social emotional wellbeing,so that we can make our way out of this wreckage with strength, courage, and determination.We have been, and continue to be in a crisis. In the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, the crisis“can and should be viewed through the lens of trauma” (Horesh & Brown, 2020, p. 334). Whichmeans, you, your best friend who taught down the hall from you, your colleagues, yourteachers friends have all experienced trauma. And although there are different types of trauma,we can’t run from the fact that we have experienced it at some level.Even before Covid-19, we already knew that teaching can be a very stressful job. While at thesame time, we also recognize that our commitment and love for our students outweighs thestress. Therefore we keep on going, we keep on moving forward without stopping. Many times,we sacrifice ourselves for students-that is just what we do. We did it before Covid-19, and we are doing that now.

The First Days of Virtual School Amid Covid19: A Ten Step Handbook to Teaching Online

By Dr. Edith Treviño

July 21, 2020

The Covid19 pandemic is a health crisis, which has interrupted and blindsided the education sector with great force. Covid19 is also a mental crisis which has brought forth emotional unrest and trauma to so many of us. In a matter of weeks, and without warning, everything changed. Educators were forced to quickly adapt, and modify their tried and true instructional methods. Covid19 forever altered the fabric of public education. With massive change came disruption, massive shock, and social crisis to both parents and educators, alike (Burgess & Sieversten, 2020). This handbook has been created in an effort to support this process by looking at ten crucial steps, as we embark on teaching online during COvid19. This handbook brings in the professional input of administrators, educators, and parents. The different lenses represented in this handbook, collectively have brought forth what we believe are the most important implications to consider during this movement to online teaching. On March 16th, 2020, we understood, at least in my part of the world, that schools were going to “temporarily” move to virtual instruction. Educators, parents, and students did not know for how long, we just knew it was happening. While many of us were planning our spring break, our time off, Covid19 arrived like a beast, and ran away with all of our plans. Literally. And so it began. Schools were closed. In many parts of the world, life as we knew it was shut down “until further notice.” There was a sense of panic and unrealism. One week turned into one month, which turned into not going back for in-person instruction for the remainder of the school year. Overnight, parents who had their own jobs, also turned into teachers, and teachers started working 24/shifts, responding to frantic emails, making reassuring phone calls for emotional support, and keeping up with the slew of directives from their campus and school district. Many parents and teachers did not have experience with technology. Without a plan, many were multitasking, learning, parenting, working while trying to survive emotionally day by day. It was a surreal time, one we believed in our hearts would last two months. We. Were. Wrong.

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